image optimizer for web

Pinga 0.62 does not compress PNG as strong as 0.42

Grelle said, on 09/01/2024
Version 0.62 show more "soft" result, even if quality factor = 0.
Version 0.42 give me more "pixelized" result on quality factor = 4. And file size is smaller, and it is what I needed.
Can somebody tell me, should it work like this? Or something get wrong?

I take a screen of settings and result on both versions.
drd said, on 14/01/2024
pinga 0.42 was with old settings that force pingo do 256-colours (or smaller) png.
pinga 0.62 lose that ability and do only very soft compression.
I often use that reducion images to 256 colours too, so I ask our developer to bring that functionality back.
cédric (dev) said, on 14/01/2024
> do only very soft compression
no. that would be done according to the image data
Grelle said, on 15/01/2024
As I see, even pingo don't compress to 256 on lowest quality settings...
So, can you clear things - can I hope new version of Pinga will have force 256 compression back? Or it isn't planned?
Aleksandr said, on 19/01/2024
Dear Cedrik,

here goes an image
71786 bytes, 600×100, 8bit TrueColorAlpha, 10598 colors

It is not converted by Pingo 1.17 to palette as expected:
$ pingo -s4 in.png
48817 bytes, TrueColor sRGB, 17685 colors

Now let's try with VIPS 8.15.1:
$ vips pngsave in.png out.png --palette --effort=10
22737 bytes, Palette sRGB, 256 colors

What do you think about that?
cédric (dev) said, on 19/01/2024
> pingo don't compress to 256 on lowest quality settings
the quality does not trigger the transform — e.g. -q=100, -q=1 or auto could transform to palette (try it)

> It is not converted by Pingo 1.17 to palette as expected
not 'as expected'. palette should fit, but resized image are more challenging for the current heuristics

> What do you think about that
it would be easy to force a transform, harder to pick it heuristically

TL;DR: the current palettization is not as good for 'image quality' as the precedent one
FYI, old pingo/GUI used to use a ready to go lib but was removed due to license

i wrote a new one, which have cons & pros
pros: speed, colors pick & sort, low mem, size optimized
cons: it triggers on what it should fit, no visual perception effort (nor dithering)

> can I hope new version of Pinga will have force 256 compression back?
maybe later but it needs some work
Grelle said, on 31/01/2024
thank you for explanations!
