image optimizer for web

Pinga 0.63.4 - Installation over previous version delete old settings

James Pous said, on 30/03/2024
First thank you for your great work and optimizations in pingo.
Sometimes I think pinga gui could get more settings to choose,
but most of the pinga users want a quick and simple gui.

In update Pinga gui for pingo and the latest update reset my settings in pinga gui to default.
This is very boring, because the default settings use a lossy compression for jpeg files.
So I started a compression and recognized it, because the filesize saving was so big.

I understand, that you will need to reset the settings to default, if the pinga gui changed thinks in the menu. But I do not see a changing button or menu.
no file required
cédric (dev) said, on 12/04/2024
i am just tweaking the optimizer atm but i would try to keep this in mind
