image optimizer for web

new pingo can't lossy compress as much as old pingo (with -pngpalette)

Thibaud said, on 12/07/2023
It appears there's no way to replicate the palette decimation that was achieved with pingo a70.
input source is a 4096x8192 png normal map of 35MB
there is a serious gap between the compression saving of:
pingo a70 -pngpalette=100 -resize=4096 (best lossy) = 1.77 MB (94.84%) saved
pingo 1.06 -s4 -quality=1 -resize=4096 (worse lossy) = 7.76 MB (77.41%) saved
It would be great if the new lossy -quality control allowed greater savings as pingo a7x did
cédric (dev) said, on 17/07/2023
would be fixed in 1.07. did you notice this with another sample? ty for report
